Committee Membership
OACRAO Committee Memberships
There are many benefits including:
- Feeling connected to and having a sense of ownership in the conference
- Having a great way to meet other OACRAO members
- Learning how other institutions address issues similar to those you face
- Helping foster future growth in our organization
- Being publicly recognized at the conference for your important role in its success
Program Committees
The Program Committees are responsible for the development of sessions at the annual conference. Desired committee size of each is 8 to 10 members. Program Committee members are asked to fulfill a three-year term. During any one year, the time commitment consists of attending a planning meeting and then arranging within a few weeks thereafter to find a presenter for one of the sessions proposed by your committee. The arranging consists of email and phone contacts that can be accomplished from your office. You can even network to secure presenters. It is not necessary to have in-depth knowledge of the session’s topic, and you will not be expected to be a presenter yourself. The Four Program Committees and their individual responsibilities follow.
- Admissions and Enrollment Management: The scope of topics shall be generally defined to include admission; recruiting; post-secondary enrollment options; equal educational opportunity; financial aid; international student issues; study abroad programs; and information on education in other countries.Contact: Sue Shepard, chair
- Information Systems and Data Management Committee: The scope of topics shall be generally defined to include information systems; data collection; analysis and reporting; admission enrollment reports and institutional studies; and current and future technologies. Contact: Christine Court, chair.
- Professional Development: The scope of responsibility is generally defined to include office management; office organization; and member professional development. Contact: Wilson Turner, chair.
- Records and Registration: The scope of responsibility is generally defined to include academic calendars; grading policies and practices; records management; and registration techniques. Contact: Becky Cogswell, chair.
Operational Committees
The Operational Committees are responsible for the governance and basic operations of the organization. The term of office and time commitment will vary with each committee. Please see the OACRAO Website or contact any Board member for more information. The six operating committees and their individual functions follow.
- Bylaws: Prepare/revise the OACRAO ByLaws for review/ballot by the voting members. Contact: Bob Bulow, Past President.
- Communications: Coordinate information flow to members via website, newsletter, and printed materials. Contact: Carlier Myers, Chair.
- Fiscal: Works with the treasurer to develop budgets and fiscal policies. Audits financial standing and transactions on behalf of the membership. Contact: Bob Bulow, Past President.
- Government Relations: Increase the knowledge level of OACRAO and its members on state government issues and legislation that impacts our offices and students. Works with similar organizations and AACRAO to advocate for higher education. Contact: coming, Chair
- Local Arrangements: Plan/make annual conference arrangements. Contacts: Molly McDermott-Fallon and Sarah Marcini, co-chairs.
- Membership and Mentoring: Disseminate information regarding OACRAO; coordinate new member recruitment, orientation and mentoring activities. Contact: Missy Weininger, Chair.
- Scholarship: Select recipients for OACRAO’s scholarships and solicits items for the silent auction. Contact: Christine Casarez, Chair.